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Treasure Hunt Stuttgart Move, study, live and become a local. Dive into your new home. - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Veranstaltungsart Lehrveranstaltung Langtext
Veranstaltungsnummer Kurztext
Semester WiSe 2024/25 SWS
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Rhythmus jedes Semester Studienjahr
Credits 2 CP Belegung Keine Belegpflicht
Weitere Links Bitte melden Sie sich über Eveeno an
Sprache englisch
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart

Präsenz + 6 further online-dates in indiv. arrangement


Beschreibung/ Description:

This workshop will help you get to know and maybe even get to love Stuttgart.
After the completion of all 6 of the visiting and reflection tasks at different places within the city of Stuttgart, you will be able to point out which places you like, which ones inspire you, which places are only worth visiting once for you, where you might like to take visitors and those where you can simply feel at home,.. living like a local! There is one set of tasks for the summer semester and another set of tasks for the winter semester.

In 6 further online-dates, in indiv. arrangement, you will work together in groups.
Niveau B2!

Please register via the Eveeno portal: https://eveeno.com/222426366


Zeitumfang/ time frame:

Attendance mandatory + self-stud in the form of group work on own project

You will be expected to attend the Kick-off and the Close-up Workshops in person. For the six tasks to be completed at six different locations, it will be your own responsibility to reserve a time slot within the week to visit the places and fill out the reflection tasks. There will be proposed weeks within the semester to work on the six tasks, but you will need to fit it into your personal schedule. Plan about three to four hours per task, including travel time, plus some additional time to write your answers into a journal and layout your journal if you wish.

Information on the implementation, e.g. enrollment key Moodle course, link to Zoom meeting, etc. you will reseve about a week before the start of the event.


Ziele/ goals:

After completion of the workshop participants will...:

  • be able to find six places in Stuttgart and know what feelings each of the places evoke inside of you
  • have written down what make the places visited special to you
  • have analyzed good times to come back to this place
  • have evaluated what to recommend to others about the places
  • will have a personal booklet / journal about the city that is your new home.

After successful participation you will receive a certificate of attendance.

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