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"Academic Writing" How to beat ChatGPT: wissens.Schreiben auf Englisch - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Veranstaltungsart Lehrveranstaltung Langtext
Veranstaltungsnummer Kurztext
Semester WiSe 2024/25 SWS
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Rhythmus jedes Semester Studienjahr
Credits 2 CP Belegung Keine Belegpflicht
Weitere Links Bitte melden Sie sich über Eveeno an
Sprache englisch
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart

findet in Präsenz statt!


Beschreibung/ Description:

How can I show my expertise in an academic setting? How can I raise interest for my research? How do I convince an academic audience? Academic Writing is a key qualification for students and researchers of all fields and at all stages of their academic career. In three online sessions, we will explore the key features of an Academic Writing style and actively develop your Academic Writing skills. In group work and self-study, you will practice the language of study/ research papers and prepare an abstract for one of your projects. And in our Moodle course will find selected materials for further reading and download. 

Niveau B2!

Bitte melden Sie sich über das Portal Eveeno an: https://eveeno.com/222426366


Zeitumfang/ Workload:

Anwesenheitspflicht + Selbststudium in Form von Sprachübungen und einer Zusammenfassung Ihres Studien-/Forschungsprojekts
Presence in online sessions + self-study in the form of language exercises and an abstract of your study/ research project

Informationen zur Durchführung, z.B. Anmeldeschlüssel Moodle-Kurs, Link zum Zoom-Meeting, etc. werden Ihnen ca. eine Woche vor Beginn der Veranstaltung zur Verfügung gestellt.
Information on the implementation, e.g. enrollment key Moodle course, link to the Zoom meeting, etc. will be provided to you approximately one week before the start of the event.


Ziele/ Objectives:

Participants of the workshop will be able to:

  • A clear understanding for the challenges of Academic Writing
  • Practical competence in Academic Writing methods
  • Practical competence in preparing an abstract for a study/ research paper

After successful participation you will receive a certificate of attendance.

This workshop may be graded! Please approach the instructor at the beginning of the workshop if you would like a grade.

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